Through the Art Center DESIGN MATTER program, I led a class that created a safe sex advertising campaign for the City of Long Beach
This was a collaboration between Art Center students and Wieden + Kennedy for COKE's Ahhhhh campaign. We were tasked to come up with fun digital concepts that pay off that
special "Ahhhhh…" feeling when you take a sip of Coke. Over 30 students participated in the four weeks projects. We produced 7 interactive experiences for COKE.
We needed a way to get Art Center alumni like myself to donate to the school. So we started a football team at Art Center called "The Fighting Dots" because research has shown that schools
with sports teams get more donations from their alumni. We never started the football program, but we did sell over 100 t-shirts. Students: Abe Chuang and Sef Chang.